Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Success at Chabot

Success is something that we long for as people. When in school we the students want to be successful and not just because we want to make our friends and family proud but most importantly we want to make ourselves satisfied. Sometimes we can not always be successful in what we do. Sometimes failure comes down on us like a sack of bricks. Success can be rewarding in many ways but I want to talk about success in school. Success in schools can be very tough for some students because of what they go through. Sometimes it is not the students fault but instead it can be the teachers problem of failing the student. The way I look at it we have to look at the situation from both sides. There are many students in school that are either happy to go to school or forced to go to school. Some students just don't care about school but  instead they want to tend school for the parties and friends. We all have our reasons of why we attend school. School can be rough and stressful. We have so many teachers each giving time consuming work which sometimes can be an overload on us the students. We are not perfect but neither are teachers and sometimes we have the attitude of which we are perfect.All we really want to be is successful so that at least we have the feeling of accomplishment. Sometimes we have to ask ourselves what does success truly mean to me?
          I am a student at Chabot Community College and this will be my third year coming up in the fall semester of 2013. For the time I have been on this campus I have observed and studied the behavior of students and teachers as well as myself. What I have found is that there are good teacher and that there are bad teachers. I have also found that there are good students and there are bad students. Between both I understand that blame can not be focused on just one particular side. I am in school from morning till night and come home exhausted from all the work and people I have to put up with. I strive to be successful in school but I realize that success does not come easy and I have to earn it. Usually when a new semester starts and I get homework from new classes I tend to finish it right away because I always have the feeling of being left behind. I can't seem to comprehend why I feel this way but knowing that I can finish my homework early and have the whole day off makes me feel successful. I feel this happens to other students as well who attend a new semester on the first day. As the days go by I get to know a little bit more about my classmates and my teacher. By the 2nd or 3rd week I usually have a general idea of who I am working with and how their behavior is towards the class. I have encountered bad teachers before and I have also encounter bad students. I have always been a good student but when working in a negative environment, I too can be vulnerable steering in the direction of being a bad or lazy student. 

         When a teacher tends to  be non interesting towards the students and because of the way she n teaches I the student can become non interested to work as hard as I should. Sometimes a teacher can be too boring or even too nice. Can you believe that? A teacher being too nice is something that a lot of people would not think of having a nice teacher can corrupt their learning experience. I have noticed that sometimes when a teacher is too passive in class the students will rise and try to take over the classroom or just not pay attention. When a teacher gives a student too many chances to make up their work they can feel like they do not need to do the homework right away because as long as it is finished by the end of the semester then we pass. I have fallen into that category a couple of times myself and I did end up passing. Usually when this happens I become lazy and do not pay attention to what the teacher has to say. I usually end up falling asleep and as long as I got the information at the end of class then I am fine. This does relieve stress on students but it also creates bad habits for those advancing to the next level not understanding the information because their last class they had was to do nothing and get an "easy A". This does not mean that teachers should be very strict and give no breaks on us because that can lead us to fail in school and wanting to drop out.

     I have encountered teachers that have had bad habits with other students such as myself. I have noticed that teachers have bad habits of trying to force so much information in our face that it causes me to stress and others around me. Teachers usually have a method when they teach in class and sometimes when using their method, me as a student will get lost and I know I am not the only one. I know that as students in a class we all learn differently from one another. I have noticed that sometimes when I don't understand something or a fellow classmate of mine does not fully understand something about the lesson we are learning the teacher would ignore us and keep going with their lesson plan leaving me and others to fend for ourselves. As acts like these keep happening in the classroom I soon begin to struggle until I am struggling for the whole semester trying to at least get a C to pass the class. I know when I start doing bad in class because I start to calculate my percentage in the classroom. When teachers tells us we have a quiz or a test tomorrow and begins to teach a new subject because they want to rush and finish the chapter this causes problems for everyone. I feel that if we have a test tomorrow then the teacher should go over with the class a general idea of what will be on the test instead of saying chapters 1-10 will be on the test some information will be there and others wont good luck. That to me makes me think that why do we even have these teachers and who hired these people that are only here for a pay check. All I want is to be successful and I would love to have help from teachers to motivate me and act like you are suppose to care even if you really don't. All we students ask for is some support from the teachers so that we know at least if we fail it was not because of how the teacher taught us but because of our own actions. I would rather know that I have failed on my own actions then having a teacher fail me as a student.

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