College is something that a lot of high school students can't wait to attend. Sometimes college is not meant for everyone. There are challenges when in college that a lot of people face due to the pressure of classes. There are grades to worry about and paying money is difficult when you can't get all of your class because the funds to attend college is to much to afford. Most students in college face these problems everyday and I feel that I face these problems as well. I am a student that attends a community college. The problems I face everyday in college are funds, grades, and anxiety because I can't to get a degree so that I may be ready for the "real world". College is a big step from high school because now you have to actually be on top of your game because if you fail a class, then you find yourself paying for a class to take over again. I worry about grades because you can't just skim through and expect other universities to accept you. If you get a D for one of your classes then other colleges look down on that grade. Back in high school a D was passing at least for a diploma. Colleges do have summer courses but again those cost money too. Nothing is free when entering college. Trying to get a good passing grade in college can be difficult. When you have all of these G.E. classes to take and trying to finish them in an amount of 2-3years stress starts pouring down on me. I would stay after class sometimes to get help from teachers and some teachers would be helpful but others would not. If I had difficulties understanding concepts from quizzes I would stay after class and go over the quiz to see what I did wrong and how can I not make the same mistake for the final. Some teachers would help me understand the material better when having a one on one session but sometimes other teachers if they did not understand my question or why do I not understand it they will get flustered and say I am sorry but I can not help you with this question. Thus ruining my self esteem which will eventually make me feel the need to drop out of college.
College is very expensive even when going to a community college. When people have financial aid it becomes a task to pay it off unless you got a fee waiver of some sort. Even when having a fee waiver college can still be a struggle. Some fee waivers only pay for classes but they do not pay for books or any other materials a person may need for class. I have a fee waiver which is known as the bog-c fee waiver. This allows me to attend school because I get all my classes paid for but I need to buy the books on my own. Paying for books is the worst because sometimes these books cost up to paying over 100 dollars for one book. When I have to buy multiple text books for the exact same price it really cuts into my budget. When in class sometimes the teacher will give the class a due date to when we should have our books but sometimes I can not make the due date which leaves me left behind on the material in class. I do not have a lot of money to begin with and I know I am not the only college student who feels this way but some teachers do not care about what we can and can't afford buy a certain time. They will say if you can't get the book by this time then copy the homework from someone else book. Money is no laughing matter when at college even if it is a community college things can be very rough which causes some anxiety problems.
As a college student I have anxiety issues with trying to get out of my community college so that I may proceed with getting a bachelors degree. Community colleges have always been known for to attend community college for 2 years. Then after two years we must go to a university and stay 4 years to get another degree. Colleges seem to think it takes this much time to get everything done for a degree but they do not understand that it is almost impossible now theses days to get in and out of college in the time given to us. This causes a lot of pressure for me as a student because if I don't feel I can meet with these requirements then I have failed as a college student. This will make me less motivated and not perform so well in other classes. When everyone around you is counting on a person like myself it becomes really sad knowing that it is taking so long to get out. College for me is stressful and I do not want to waist any time being in college but even though I am taking summer courses along with other G.E. classes in the fall and spring for my career choice I am looking at another year or two being in college. This is my third year coming up this year in 2013 fall semester. Time goes by too fast when in college and requires so much focus. When missing a homework assignment in class I feel as if I am a week behind and sometimes I am. Stuck at home and school everyday from morning till night and repeating the same routine facing more and more problems with classes. I came into college excited and proud and I feel miserable and stuck for the rest of my days in the present. I am just looking out the window and imagining freedom and wondering if it really exist.
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