Monday, July 29, 2013

Response to Andrade Video

          The Andrade video talks about roses growing from the concrete. This meaning of course he is discussing society dealing with money, deaths and poverty. In the video he discusses about how in places such as Oakland have issues with homicide and how there is so much of it in the youth. Kids who are in high school and in middle schools dying before graduating is such a miserable thing to happen in a community. Andrade mentions something from Tupac talking about how a rose growing from the concrete having damaged pedals but it is a blessing for the rose to rise from the concrete. When kids are dying in high school before graduating in a certain community it makes other communities not wanting to attend that place especially if the homicides are being broadcasted in the newspaper. This is why Andrade is a teacher who is trying to prevent all of these homicides so that the community can have more roses growing from the concrete. Roses meaning the youth so that they may have guidance and a boost of self-esteem so that they may be directed to the path of success. He also talks about the issue of separation between piedmont and Oakland because of money issues as well as safety. Piedmont separated from Oakland because they felt that their money should be invested in their area only and so that is exactly what they did and became a clean rich town. Andrade talks about how there should not be any separation between piedmont and Oakland because the people in Oakland who can not attend piedmont because of where they live in Oakland and because of low funds it makes the youth feel as if they are in poverty. This can cause issues in the youth which will make them act out. This stirs up problems in the community. Andrade wants to create more jobs for the youth and send more youth to college so that those who are able to make it out in life can be good examples incoming freshman in high school. I feel that Andrade is right when he brings up separation between piedmont and Oakland. There should not be any separation but instead spread the wealth to all schools in the community of Oakland so that students can have a better education. He talks about how teachers should care more about their students and the way they teach so that they may inspire students to succeed in life as well as become prepared. Andrade is right about this issue because not enough teachers care about their students and even if they do they show no emotions towards them which gives the student the idea that the teacher is only in the classroom to get paid and nothing else. Andrade wants the youth in his community to be protected from violence and to succeed. I feel that this should happen for all communities not just Oakland but all. If we all work together as one we can accomplish anything we put our minds too.

How does money have an affect on a person's lifestyle?

Does the location you live in determine how a person will grow up to be in the future?

Does race matter when education is involved?

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